12月の会議で、IATAの学習・開発ディレクターであるジェーン・ホスキソン(Jane Hoskisson)は、IATAの当初の期待を上回ったと述べた。
主な焦点は現場に女性を増やすことだが、ホスキソン氏によれば、他の少数派も無視されているわけではない。 「私たちは非常に慎重に事を進めてきている。まず、性別の多様性に注目する。性別多様性を獲得し始めると、他の多様性も同様に定着すると考えている。これは、我々が取り組むべき他の重要な多様性の部分を無視すると言っているわけではない。目の前のことにまず集中することでより小さな目標と進歩を示すことが重要だと思っている」。
In September, the IATA (International Air Transport Association) launched a new campaign called “25by2025” to increase female representation in the aeronautical industry.
Please refer to our previous news related to it here.
During a conference in December, Jane Hoskisson, Director of Learning & Development at IATA said the initial expectation was surpassed.
“I didn’t expect to be saying today we have 59 airlines signed up. That’s 30% of global traffic,” she said.
“We came out of the AGM (Annual General Meeting) in June and said we need to do something, what does that look like? This isn’t about making gender balance a priority, this is about what are the opportunities we are missing as an industry to get more women and get a better balance of diversity across the industry. Let’s encourage the airlines to aim for 25% female representation. Now some airlines have already achieved that,” she added.
However, for some companies starting with a very low representation of female, instead of targeting a 25% representation they target a 25% increase compared to their current representation.
While the main focus is to increase female representation, Hoskisson said the other minorities are not ignored. ”We have been very deliberate, let’s focus first on gender diversity. I believe once you start to get gender diversity, the other parts of diversity come into place as well. This isn’t about ignoring the other parts of diversity that are important that we need to address, but it’s about being focused and I really believe smaller targets and showing progress is important.”