「認識のギャップを埋めることは、ギャップの存在を幹部の人間がまず認識するところから始まる。それは、幹部たちが従業員とつながり、関わりを持ち、彼らが仕事でどのように感じているかを本当に理解する機会になる。従業員にとって最も重要なことに基づき、ギャップを埋めるために優先順位を付けて行動し、組織内のすべての人々の真の平等を促進できるようになる」と、アクセンチュアの最高経営責任者兼人事担当役員であるエリン・フック(Ellyn Shook)は述べる。
A new report by Accenture reveals the perception gap is costing trillions of dollars to the world economy every year.The perception gap is the difference between how leaders and employees perceive the company’s inclusion.
According to the report, 68% of the companies’ leaders think their employees can truly be themselves in the workplace. However, only 36% feel the same. This 32% difference is what is called the perception gap.Additionally, only 2% of the leaders believe their employees do not feel included in the company, while in reality 20% of the employees feel so.The report estimates that reducing the perception gap by half could boost the world’s economic profits by a third, resulting in a global $3.7 trillion gain. $1.05 trillion for the U.S economy alone and $1.35 for the Asia-Pacific area.
Closing the gap will have a bigger impact on women than men according to the report.Women’s retention rate will increase by 5%, compared to 1% for men. The number of women feeling they have a real impact on the decision-making will increase by 43% and the percentage of women willing to achieve leadership positions will increase by 21%.
“Closing the perception gap starts with leaders understanding there is a gap. It is an opportunity for leaders to connect with and involve their people, to truly understand how they feel at work. Based on what matters most to their people, leaders can prioritize and take action to close the gap, accelerating true equality for all in their organization,” said Ellyn Shook, Accenture’s Chief Leadership and Human Resources Officer.
The report also reveals while a majority of leaders agreed that inclusion is an important factor, only 21% prioritize it in their company, compared to 76% prioritizing financial performances and profits.When asking why inclusion is not a top priority, the top answer is purely the fact that not all the organization’s decisions makers believe it is important, closely followed by the difficulties to link it to business performances.
In conclusion, the report reveals improving inclusion is based on 3 main pillars:
To access the full report, please click here.