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しかし、Ruderman Family Foundationの最近の研究によると、観客は障害者の役に対し、もっとリアリティーが欲しいと思っているそうだ。





映画Breaking Badで障害者役を演じた有名俳優のRJミット(RJ Mitte)は「多くの人が障害を病気や弱さ、あるいは治療したり克服すべきだと考えている」と述べる。


“Seinfeld” や “Watchmen”で知られるダニー・ウッドバーン(Danny Woodburn)は、「改善はキャスティングプロセスから始まる」というレポートの共著者でもある。






Until now, able actors playing disabled characters received positive feedback from the audience as well as Academy awards.


However, according to a recent study by the Ruderman Family Foundation found out viewers want more reality regarding disabled characters.
The study shows 55% of the audience would like to see a disabled character played by a disabled actor rather than an able bodied actor.


As reported in a previous article, disabled actors represent around 2% of the community, while 20% of the American citizens consider themselves as someone with a disability. 


RJ Mitte, a disabled actor famous for his role in Breaking Bad said, “A lot of people view disability as an illness, as a weakness, as something that we have to cure and overcome.”


Danny Woodburn, mostly known for his role in “Seinfeld” or “Watchmen” co-authored in 2016 a report called “Improvement begins in the casting process”.

“At least 50% of the auditions that I’ve been through in my career have probably been inaccessible on some level, be they in a studio or Hollywood bungalow. We are also unconsciously disregarding the fact that anybody in wheelchairs might be called in for that job,” said Woodburn.


However, Woodburn believes changes can come with the impact of social media. “This generation is very connected to social media, and it has been an incredibly impactful space for the disabled community to advocate for themselves.” Though, he knows more bankable able actors will continue to play disabled characters, he hope this will help disabled actors too.


It is estimated that Americans spend $10.4 billion per month on entertainment, having a large part of the audience willing for more reality can make the entertainment companies rethink their focus.