心に訴えるロールモデル賞(Inspirational Role Model award):、業界内で上位の役職を持つ30歳以上の女性でビジネスデリバリーへの強い貢献を通し航空業界に重大な影響を与え、女性への支援でダイバーシティアジェンダを進展させている方を表彰。
ヤングハイフライヤー賞(Young High Flyer award):キャリアを伸ばし始めた30歳未満の航空業界の女性で、仕事を通じてインスピレーションを与え、業界でリーダーシップがある方を表彰。
ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン賞(Diversity&Inclusion Award):多様性とインクルージョンへの取り組みの結果として、多様性に対し明確な変化が見られた航空会社を表彰する。
IATA sponsored by Qatar Airways are going to held their first annual diversity and inclusion award.
The award will be divide in 3 categories, each rewarded with a $25 000 prize.
Inspirational Role Model award: Will be presented to a woman (30+) who holds a senior position within the industry who has had a significant impact on the aviation agenda through her strong contribution to business delivery, as well as her ongoing support of the gender diversity agenda.
Young High Flyer award: Designed to recognize one of aviation’s women under 30 who has started to develop her career, and thought leadership in the industry through her inspirational work.
Diversity & Inclusion Award: Designed to recognize an airline that has seen a tangible change in their diversity as a result of the work it has been doing in diversity and inclusion.