ダイバーシティをビジネス視点で考える PINGUINC. > NEWS > JAL、ハイヒールなしの新しいユニフォーム規則を発表



航空会社のJALは、4月1日から女性スタッフのフラットシューズを着用可にした新しいユニフォーム規則を導入。以前までは、女性スタッフは3〜4 cmのヒール靴を履く義務があった。昨年7月、JALは女性アテンダント向けのパンツスタイルの制服導入を発表したが、一部の社員からの変更要請を受けて、靴に関する改定も決定。「従業員がドレスコードを改訂するよう要求したと聞いている。 JALの広報担当者はドレスコードの改訂を決定する際に、男女平等と従業員の安全と健康を考慮に入れたとのことだ」とJALの広報担当者は述べる。









Starting from April 1, the airline company is introducing its new uniform allowing female staff to wear flat shoes. Previously female staff had to wear 3 to 4 cm high heel shoes.Last July, JAL already announced the introduction of pant-style uniform for female attendants, however, the decision to reform the shoes was only introduced after some employees requested to have it modified. “I heard that employees made the request to revise the dress code. We took gender equality into account and also consider the safety and health of our employees in deciding to revise the dress code,” said a JAL public relations official.

Last year, started by the Actress Yumi Ishikawa, the #Kutoo movement protested via Social Medias against the obligation for women to wear high heels at work.”I think it’s a very courageous decision. Some people have praised JAL on Twitter. We want this to continue with other companies requiring women to wear high heels, such as other airlines, hotels and ceremonial industries, ” said Ishikawa.

Previously on March 3rd, Prime Minister Abe commented “I would like to make it clear that men and women should not be forced to suffer due to dress codes, even though they are doing the same job.”On Twitter, people were pleased that the Prime Minister addressed the #Kutoo issues.


Wearing high heels at work often leads to body complications such as back pain.”I worked at an airport ground job. Women were required to wear high heels. I wore it every day, but it was hard. At work, I run all day from the check-in counter to the boarding gate. Walking 10 km every day with heels not only hurt my feet but also changed the shape of my feet. I was envious of the men in the ground job wearing comfortable shoes. I want more attention to the health of women’s feet. Pregnant colleagues were also afraid of wearing heels,” said a women previously working for a major Japanese airline company.


Despite her back pain becoming worse and worse , she had to keep using high heels due to the company’s regulation. Hopefully more companies will follow the movement and women will not be forced to wear high heels shoes anymore.