「ダイバーシティーとインクルージョンのためのCEOアクション(CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion)」の会議にて、ラッパーであり俳優のコモン(Common)氏はアメリカの企業での多様性とインクルージョンを訴えた。
コモン氏は「コモングラウンド財団(Common Ground Foundation)」という、恵まれない若者をエンパワーし、責任ある市民になるために活動する非営利団体も運営している。コモン氏が「ダイバーシティーとインクルージョンのためのCEOアクション」の会議や、彼の自身が率いるコモングラウンド財団を通してマイノリティについて言及したのは今回が初めてではない。
On the occasion of a conference for CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, the rapper and actor Common pleaded for more Diversity and Inclusion in American’s workplace.
“I have a desire to do my part to make the world better and every human being can do it. You don’t have to be an athlete or have a million Twitter followers to make a difference.”
“When things were going good for me, I like seeing people around me being happy too. I want to see other people fulfill their dreams. I want to be part of helping create that space and opportunities for other people.”
This is not the first time Common voiced for minorities through CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion or through his Common Ground Foundation, a non-profit organisation that seeks to empower underprivileged youth to be strong citizens and citizens of the world.