世界経済フォーラム(WEF)は、新しいジェンダーギャップ報告書「The Global Gender Gap Report 2018」を発表した。報告書は、149カ国の経済、教育、保健、政治の4つの分野における14項目の格差の程度を示している。
The World Economic Forum (WEF) just released its new gender gap report “The Global Gender Gap Report 2018”.
The report indexes how much disparity has narrowed in 14 items in four areas of economics, education, health, and politics in 149 countries.
For the 10 consecutive years, Iceland ranked first while Japan improved from 114th 2017 to 110th in 2018. But still ranking far behind the other G7 countries.
France 12th, Germany 14th, U.K 15th, Canada 16th, U.S.A 51th and Italy 70th.
Japan score improved a bit going from 65.7 in 2017 to 66.2 in 2018 for a world average at 68.0 and a G7 average at 74.1.
Despite higher scores compared to 2017 in political empowerment and economic participation Japan ranked respectively 117 (114 in 2017) and 125 (123 in 2017) due to a better improvement from the other countries in 2018. Politicians who participated in women’s decision-making felt that the number of women’s parliamentarians was still small and lowered the ranking.