ダイバーシティをビジネス視点で考える PINGUINC. > NEWS > ワーナーブラザーズ社長、エンタメ業界の多様性の必要性について語る







女性、有色人種の人々、LGBT +コミュニティ、障害のある人、今まで取り上げられてこなかった人々をカメラの前と後の両方に含めることを、私たちは皆で確実にしていく必要があります。私たちはそれが正しいことを知り、それが機能することを知っています。





At the end of October in Los Angeles Kevin Tsujihara received a price of excellence for his work as president of Warner Bros. and as an Asian leading an Anglo-Saxon company. During the ceremony speech, he focused on the importance of diversity in this kind of industry.


“To maintain our relevance and creative excellence we need to work with new voices to tell new stories, stories that reflect a global perspective, from the faces we see on screen to those writing the scripts and on set, or making the magic happen in the editing room.


We all must ensure that there is greater inclusion of women, people of color, LGBT+ community, those with disabilities and underrepresented groups both in front of and behind the camera. We know it is right and we know it works.


Audiences are hungry for great stories, and it doesn’t matter if the characters are black or white, Asian or Latino, male or female, gay, straight or transgender.


We say that certain genres of film don’t travel well, or that international audiences aren’t open to diverse leads. It is incumbent on the entire entertainment industry to stop making excuses for self-fulfilling prophecies, and instead get creative about the way we market diverse content to global audiences….We share a common humanity, especially in these perilous times.”