カリフォルニア州は企業の取締役会に対し、ジェンダーダイバーシティの義務を課した最初の州だが、ミシガン州、ニュージャージー州、ペンシルバニア州などもこの動きに従うことを検討しており、イリノイ州、ニューヨーク州、メリーランド州では現在、義務ではなくともダイバーシティデータを収集している。しかし、法律事務所のPacific Legal Foundationや保守的なグループのJudicial Watchなど、この法律は憲法違反だと主張する人もいる。
In 2018, the state of California approved a new law requiring publicly listed companies to have at least 1 woman on its board by the end of 2019.The new report shows many companies haven’t complied with the law yet.
Out of the 625 publicly listed companies in California, 295 have not provided their gender diversity data.An additional 48 companies reported to not have any female on boards.When the law was approved in 2018, 25% of the companies did not have any female on boards.Companies not complying with the law risk up to a $100,000 fine for a first violation and $300 ,000 for any further violations.
California was the first American state to approve mandatory gender diversity on their boards, but some other states are also considering following suits including the state of Michigan, New Jersey or Pennsylvania while Illinois, New York and Maryland are now collecting diversity data without mandatory appointments on their boards.However, some argue the law is anti-constitutional, such as the law firm Pacific Legal Foundation or the conservative group Judicial Watch.
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