Jacquelyn Tracy氏は、「社会の関心は以前より変わりつつあるが、やはり女性は男性に比べ、育児や家事など家庭における時間を要することが多い。最近では、『仕事をいつ、どこかで行うのか。』雇用主が、柔軟性を提供してくれることを多くの若い労働者が期待している。これらが仕事に反映されるようになると、女性はさらにCPAとしてのキャリアと私生活との優先事項をよりうまく管理できるようになる」と述べた。
A new report by the American Institute of CPA (Certified Public Accountants) reveals that remote work and flextime is an effective way to attract and retain women.
The research based on a survey conduct last summer on over 1100 CPAs firms reveals than more than half of the companies (56%) reported that flextime is an effective way to attract female. Similarly, 50% reported that reduce work time is also an effective method as well as telecommuting options (56%).Regarding retaining women, 80% of the companies reported that the previously listed options are a good way to retain female talents.
“While perspectives are changing, women are still more likely to handle duties involving child care and managing households. At the same time, many younger workers expect employers to offer them some flexibility as to where and when their work is done. Modified work arrangements allow women to more successfully manage their careers as CPAs and the priorities in their personal lives, “said Jacquelyn Tracy.
The report also reveals that small CPA firms have a higher percentage of women in executive positions than big firms. 53% representation for CPAs with less than 10 employees compared to 16% for CPAs with over 100 employees. The more employees there are, the lower the female percentage is.However, big firms are more likely to provide mentor-ship programs and unconscious bias training.