ファッションスポットのMark E氏は、「今シーズンは、上向きの軌道に乗っているので、すべてのダイバーシティカテゴリーで数字が下がったことは、本当に残念である。特に、ニューヨークファッションウィークはすべてのファッション首都の中で最もダイバーシティのある傾向にあっただけに、非常に苦痛である。そして、我々は今後減少するであろう、2020年の秋のために備えている。業界全体が2021年春に、り良い結果をもたらすことを期待し努力し続ける」と述べた。
Last most was held in the apple city, the New York fashion week Fall 2020.
However, despite some push in the fashion industry to increase diversity, the NY fashion week shows a decrease in diversity in all of its categories.
According to the fashion spot report, out of the 1940 models the percentage of models of color went from 46.8% in the Spring 2020 fashion week to 43.6% in the Fall 2020.
Furthermore, the number of plus size models went from 68 (2.92%) to 27 (1.4%).
The number of 50+ years old models went from 15 (0.65%) to 10 (0.52%).
Finally, the number of transgender models went from 36 (1.55%) to 10 (0.52%).
“It’s truly disappointing to see the numbers drop in every single category this season. Especially since they’ve been on an upward trajectory for a few seasons now. It’s also distressing because New York Fashion Week tends to be the most diverse of all the fashion capitals so we’re bracing ourselves for the grand Fall 2020 totals to be down as well. We’re hoping, and demanding, that the industry does better for Spring 2021,” said Mark E. from the Fashion Spot.