「取締役会をもっと多様化する必要があるのかと考え始めた理由の背後にあるもともとの問題に戻りたかった」と、レポート作成の発端となったワヒド教授(Prof. Wahid)は述べる。
「女性が男性よりも優れている場合、取締役会に女性を追加するごとに価値が上がるはずだ。しかし、そういうことではない」とワヒド氏は言う。 (取締役会が男女同等のバランスに近づくと業績の改善は止まり、安定した)。
A new report by the University of Toronto shows companies with gender diverse boards outperform companies with zero or only one woman on the boards.
Based on the analysis of 6132 American listed companies during the 2000-2010 period, the authors also found out that gender diverse companies had less financial misconduct and fraud reported.
“I wanted to go back to the original issue behind why we even began thinking whether boards needed to be more diverse,” said Prof. Wahid at the origin of the report.
While the report shows having none or only one woman on a board reduce performances compared to more diversified boards, the report also shows reaching parity is the best option. Performance is due to the wide diversity of perspectives and not because women are better than men to make decisions.
“If women are better at something than men, then we should see that, as we add more women to the board, each additional woman should produce more value. But that’s not the case,” said Wahid. (Ed. “Performance improvements stabilized once boards approached parity”).