Human Rights Campaign Foundation(HCR)は、LGBT等、平等に関する職場の評価である、企業平等指数(CEI)をリリースした。
「これらの企業は、LGBTQの従業員と顧客を差別から守ることは正しいことではなく、最善のビジネス上の決定であることを知っている」と、HRCのAlphonso David氏は述べている。
「産業と社会の変革には、1つの組織だけでは不十分である。単独の組織以上の物が必要であり、一貫した持続的な努力が必要である。また、企業平等指数は、すべての組織が受け入れることを願う共通の基準を示している。ビジネス内およびビジネスを行う場所の変化を促進するよう挑戦し、より公正で思いやりと人間的な社会へと変化させていくことが必要である。」とマイクロソフトのチーフダイバーシティオフィサーである、Lindsay-Rae McIntyre氏は、述べた。
Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HCR) released its annual Corporate Equality Index (CEI), rating workplaces on LGBT equality.
With its 83 new additions in 2020, the 18th edition exceed for the first time one thousand LGBT equality supportive companies worldwide.
Moreover, out of the 1059 companies include in the 2020 index, 686 scored a perfect 100% of LGBT equality. When the Index was created for the first time in 2002, 13 companies out of 319 had a perfect score.
“These companies know that protecting their LGBTQ employees and customers from discrimination is not just the right thing to do, it is also the best business decision,” said HRC President Alphonso David.
In order to be part of the CEI, companies need to fulfill 3 important criteria:
The CEI also reveals a net increasing in the number of companies having non-discrimination policies toward gender identity. While in 2002, only 5% had such policies, the 2020 edition reveals that 98% of the company now have it in place. Regarding non-discrimination policies toward sexual orientation, 99% of the companies in 2020 compared to 92% in 2002 have policies in place.
The 2020 edition also reveals a history high score for companies providing transgender inclusive health care benefits, with 89% of the companies providing it, compared to 0% in 2002 and 9% in 2010.
Additionally, 79% offer equal spousal and partner health care benefits for their LGBT employees in 2020.
“Transforming industry and society takes more than any one organization alone. It takes consistent and sustained effort to overcome longstanding injustices that are codified in bodies of law or embedded in dominant cultural norms. The Corporate Equality Index sets forth a common standard that I hope all organizations embrace — challenging us to constructively disrupt systems, drive change within our business and the places where we do business –to be more fair, more caring and more human,” said Lindsay-Rae McIntyre, Microsoft Chief Diversity Officer.
To access the full 2020 report, please click here.