トランプ大統領は国家情報局長官代行にリチャード・グレネル(Richard Grenell)を指名。駐独大使であったグレネルは、同性愛が犯罪であるとされる国々で非犯罪化する努力をしてきたことで知られている。
「同性愛者であることは、8か国で死刑判決を受け、さらに70か国で犯罪だとされている。 LGBTであること、あるいはその行為を行うだけで逮捕、投獄、暴力に繋がる。単に付き合っているだけであったり、人を好きになるだけでだ。国連加盟国であるアメリカには、国民の尊厳と基本的自由を保護、尊重、支持する義務がある」とグレネルは述べた。
「それでも、トランプ・ペンスが仕切るホワイトハウスがLGBTQの人々に対して約束をしているのがこのリチャードの件だ。国内外で我々に対し差別と暴力を認めているにもかかわらずね」とHRC(ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ)のシャーロット・クライマーCharlotte Clymer)は述べた。
This is the first time in the American history that an openly gay person has been appointed to a cabinet level position.
Richard Grenell has been named by President Trump to become the new director of the national intelligence.
Previously an ambassador in Germany, Grenell is known for his efforts to decriminalize homosexuality in countries where homosexuality is still a crime.
“Being gay is a death sentence in eight countries and criminalized in 70 more. LGBT status or conduct means arrest, imprisonment, and violence for people who are simply dating or falling in love. Governments that are Members of the United Nations have an obligation to protect, respect, and uphold the dignity and fundamental freedoms of their people,” said Grenell.
However, since its inauguration, the Trump administration has been accused of removing efforts made by the previous administration to increase LGBT inclusion in the US.
“It would be different if they were trying, but it’s not even clear they are doing anything meaningful at all. It is yet another case of the Trump-Pence White House making promises to LGBTQ people, even while they enable discrimination and violence against us at home and abroad,” said Charlotte Clymer from the Human Rights Campaign organization.