昨年のGEI 2019では、36か国から230社が参加。今年は、チェコ共和国、ニュージーランド、ノルウェー、フィリピン、ポーランド、ロシアに本社を置く企業からも初めての報告がなされた。
非営利団体カタリスト(Catalyst)のロレインハリトン(Lorraine Hariton)社長兼CEOは、「職場での男女平等を実現させるには、まだまだ長い道のりがある。性別関連データの公開により、企業がベストプラクティスやD&Iに対する業界のアプローチを共有し、促進することを可能にする。ブルームバーグジェンダー平等指数は、この分野の情報開示においては最先端であり、世界的な大手企業においてトップダウンからの変化を促し、促進することに貢献している」と述べた。
GEI 2020にリストされている325社へアクセスするには、ここをクリック。
Bloomberg just released its Gender Equality Index 2020 (GEI) including for the first time 325 public companies distributed in 42 countries.
Last year, 230 companies distributed in 36 countries were represented in the GEI 2019.
For the first time headquarter based companies in Czech Republic, New-Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland and Russia are include in the index.
To be part of the GEI, companies need to be committed to gender equality through policy development, representation and transparency.
Note, company must request to be part of the index.
“For Santander, publicly disclosing our data through the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index is an important discipline not only in evaluating our internal practices, but also in helping us understand how we are performing relative to our peers,” said Ana Botín, Executive Chairman of Santander.
This year’s index also reveals that female leaded companies have a higher proportion of female in senior management positions than male leaded companies.
Additionally, companies with a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) are more likely to have D&I goals at all levels as well as having a larger diversity pool for managerial positions.
Furthermore, for the first time the GEI tracked the number of companies publicly disclosing gender diversity target goals. 39% of the listed companies have target goals for gender diversity management increasing and 16% have plans to close the gender paid gap.
“While there is still a long way to go for gender parity in the workplace, public disclosure of gender-related data enables companies to share best practices and further their industry’s approach to diversity and inclusion. The Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index is leading the way in disclosure in this area, helping to drive change from the top down at some of the world’s largest employers,” said President & CEO of Catalyst, Lorraine Hariton.
To access the full list of the 325 companies listed in the GEI 2020, please click here.