ヴァージニア州知事ラルフ・ノーザム(Ralph Northam)は、2023年までに障害者のインクルージョンを増やすため、2つの新しい指令を出した。
「2023年までに、バージニア州は障害者の雇用レベルを5%増加させる予定だ。これらの執行措置は、障害のあるバージニアの人たちの教育と雇用の公平性を確保することにより、目標に到達しやすくなるだろう。具体的には、州政府での雇用と労働力のダイバーシティにおいて最適な実装を優先し、州機関、擁護団体、高等教育機関と協力するつもりだ」と、初代バージニア州のダイバーシティ、インクルージョン、平等のディレクター、ジャニス・アンダーウッド(Janice Underwood)は述べる。
Governor of the State of Virginia Ralph Northam issued two new rules to increase disability inclusion by 2023.
“By 2023, the Commonwealth of Virginia will increase the level of employment of individuals with disabilities by five percent. These executive actions will help us get there by ensuring education and employment equality for Virginians with disabilities. Specifically, we will collaborate with state agencies, advocacy groups, and institutions of higher education to prioritize hiring and workforce diversity best practices in state government,” said Janice Underwood, first Virginia’s director of diversity, inclusion and equality.
Underwood explained that they want Virginia’s state to be a national example of disability inclusion.
“As Virginia’s first-ever Chief Diversity Officer, I will also work with state agencies and diverse stakeholders to ensure a more welcoming and affirming learning and workplace culture for people with disabilities.”
Underwood also stated she wants to hold regular meeting with the disabled community to ensure they have an ongoing voice within state government.