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Forbes、毎年恒例の「Best Diversity Employer」をリリース






2019年に辞任した元CEOのビル・マクダーモット(Bill McDermott)は、SAPのダイバーシティとインクルージョンに注目していた。


「ビルは、インクルージョンへのコミットメントについて雄弁に語るリーダーだった。彼と理事会は、世界で最も包括的なソフトウェア会社になるという目標を設定した」 と、SAPのサステナビリティ、ダイバーシティー、インクルージョンの責任者であるジュディス・ウィリアムズ(Judith Williams)は述べる。


SAPのコミットメントは、ビルの辞任で終わることはなかった。彼の後任として ジェニファー・モーガン(Jennifer Morgan)が、2019年に共同CEOに任命され、D&Iのリーダーシップは彼女に引き継がれたと考えられている。 2017年にドイツの株式上場会社に任命された最初の女性として知られる彼女は、アメリカでSAP内の男女賃金格差を解消したことでも知られている。















For the third consecutive year, Forbes in collaboration with Statista, a data collecting company, released their “America’s best employers for diversity” rankings.  


Based on the answers of 60 000 American employees working for companies which have more than 1 000 employees, this year’s first place is attributed to the German Software developer SAP, an eight rank increase compared to last year.


SAP diversity and inclusion was at the center of attention for the former CEO Bill McDermott, who stepped down in 2019.


“In Bill, we had a leader who really spoke eloquently about our commitment for inclusion. He and the executive board set a goal to be the most inclusive software company on the planet,” said Judith Williams, head of sustainability, diversity and inclusion officer at SAP.


However, SAP’s commitment did not end with Bill’s departure. Jennifer Morgan, who was appointed co-CEO in 2019 and recognized as a D&I leader took over. Known to be the first female appointed to a Germany stock listed board company in 2017, she is also credited for putting an end to SAP’s gender pay gap in America.


Currently, women hold 26.4% of the company’s managerial positions with a 30% target by 2022.


“She’s really been at the forefront of championing for women in leadership,” said Williams about Morgan. 


In the 2nd ranking position, comes Henry Ford Health System, a health care and social company.
The company is committed to recruit anyone on the sole basis of their qualification, regardless of their race, gender, disability etc. as well as creating a fair and equal work environment. And this attitude allowed the company to enter directly on the podium for their first ever appearance in the ranking.


Notably, P&G gained 22 places to take the last podium place for this year’s ranking.
Salesforce, awarded #1 in 2018 and #2 for the Fortune’s “best company to work for” took the 14th place of Forbes’ ranking.
Google, subjects to sexual harassment complaints lost more than 150 places and ended up at 373.


To access the full ranking list, please click here