女性と家族のための国家パートナーシップ代表のDebra Ness氏は、
Starting October 1 2020 American federal workers will be allowed to take up to 12 weeks of paid parental leaves.
The new bill, officially approved by the congress, will affect over 2.1 million workers, mothers and fathers.
According to the world policy center, currently only 3 countries does not grant paid parental leaves for workers, the US, the Surinam and Papua New Guinea.
Previously, only non-military federal workers were allowed to take up to 12 unpaid parental leaves.
Despite a big step forward, many democrats are still unpleased with this new regulation. Their original demands included parental leaves for all America workers, not only federal workers as well as allowing the use of the leaves for taking care of sick children, family members or for self-medical requirements.
“While paid leave for new parents is a critical benefit, more than three quarters of people taking unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) do so to care for their own serious medical issue or a loved one who is not a new child,” said Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women and Families.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2018 only 18% of private sector employees had access to paid family leaves.
As stated by Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand granting family leaves to all American workers can be sponsored by taking 0.2% of each workers’ payroll tax.
However, Gillibrand is still please such improvements are coming and hopes it will be a first step for more in the future. “This means that the largest employer in the country now provides basic parental leave, a huge step, and we must work to ensure that paid leave for other family emergencies will be added in the future,” she said.