男女共同参画については、「台湾はほとんどどの国にも劣らない。その最大の証拠として我々には女性総統がいる」と、国家開発評議会・全体計画局(DoP)のコニー・チャン(Connie Chang)は述べた。
「台湾の女性は、他のアジア諸国と比べると女性の地位が高いが、しかし少なくとも民間部門ではまだ賃金格差がある。私の知る限り、これはイギリスやアメリカなどの先進国でさえいまだに解消されていない」と台北のデザイナー、アヤ・チャン(Aya Chang)は述べる。
Taiwan is one of the most advanced Asian countries in terms of gender diversity according to the country’s officials.
On gender equality, “Taiwan is second best to hardly anyone. Biggest evidence is that we have a female president,” said Connie Chang of the National Development Council’s Department of Overall Planning (DoP).
Public opinion also has a positive attitude regarding gender equality, as 80% of the population believe women should have the same advantages as men in the workplace.
However, the government recognizes there are still some improvements possible and is working on it.
In the last 30 years, the island wage gap went from 33% to 14%, and the government is working on a new mandatory requirement for companies over 100 employees to provide childcare facilities and nursing rooms to its employees.
Taiwan also created a gender diversity index to evaluate companies’ gender diversity practices.
The Index evaluates companies based on 7 categories:
As not listed in the UN countries, Taiwan does not appear in the Gender Inequality Index (GII), however, the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of Taiwan calculated its own score using the same Index and came out as first in Asia and 8th globally in terms of gender equality.
‘Women in Taiwan have higher status among other Asian countries, but they are not equally paid yet at least in the private sector. As far as I know, this is still an issue even in more developed countries such as the UK and the USA,” commented Aya Chang a Taipei designer.