Center for Talent Innovationという新しいレポートによると、米国企業の高い割合において、黒人の代表が欠如していると明らかにした。
A new report by Center for Talent Innovation reveals a lack a Black representation in the high level of US companies.
According to the report, among the Fortune 500 companies, only 4 companies have Black CEO, making it a 0.8% representation.
Regarding executives and senior level managers, the representation is currently at 3.2%.
However, 10% of college degree holders are Black persons.
The report also reveals Black people have a higher ambitious state of mind than White people do, 65% compared to 53% reported been very ambitious in their career. Nevertheless, 19% of the Black respondents, compared to 3% of the White respondents reported feeling they would never be able to achieve a top level in their company.
As by stated in the report, 65% of the black respondents feel Black employees have to work harder to advance in their career compared to 16% of White respondents feeling Black employees have to work harder.
Regarding discrimination, Black employees are the most likely community to encounter racial discrimination with an average of 58%, compared to 15% for White community, 41% for the Latinx and 38% for Asians.
Black employees also reported a higher desire to either leave their company for another or leave their company to start their own business.
To access the full report, please click here.