メキシコにおけるLGBTインクルージョンを推進する目的の人権キャンペーンプログラムを展開するHRC Equidad MXが、2020HRC Equidad MXレポートを発表した。
HRC Equidadの調査でトップスコアを出しているLGBT支援企業の数は順調に増え続けており、2017年に32企業、2018年に69企業、2019年には120企業に及ぶ。
「全ての参加企業はLGBTに対し包括的な企業文化と最適な慣習を促進させようとメキシコ中で努力している。LGBTの人たちが実力を発揮できるような職場を提供することは職場環境を魅力的なものとして保つ上で大事なことだ。我々はビジネスオーナーたちのリーダーシップと全従業員に対しLGBTインクルージョンを育成する献身的な姿勢を称賛したい」と、HRC FoundationのWorkplace Equality Programディレクターであるベック・ベイリーは述べる。
HRC Equidad MX, a Human Rights Campaign program aiming to increase LGBT’s inclusion in Mexico released its 2020 HRC Equidad MX report.
The report shows an increase in the number of companies earning a top inclusion score regarding the LGBT community.
The report evaluates LGBT workplace inclusion within major businesses and multinationals in Mexico based on three main factors:
– Non-discrimination policies adoption
– ERG or council creation aiming for LGBTs
– Public engagement support
“Promoting fundamental rights and welcoming workplaces for LGBT employees are not only in the interest of fairness — it is also smart for business,” said HRC President Alphonso David.
The number of LGBT supportive companies which have top score in the HRC Equidad survey is in constant increase, 32 in 2017, 69 in 2018 and 120 in 2019.
“All the participating companies are making genuine efforts to promote an LGBT-inclusive corporate culture and best practices across Mexican workplaces. Providing a workspace where LGBT employees can reach their full potential is key to attracting and retaining the best workforce. We commend the business honorees for their leadership and dedication to fostering LGBT inclusion for all their employees,” said Beck Bailey, director of HRC Foundation’s Workplace Equality Program.
To access the full report in Spanish, please click here.