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イザベル・ソラル(Isabelle Solal)とカイサ・スネルマン(Kaisa Snellman)の両著者が新しい研究をINFORMS journal Organization Scienceに発表、株主らが取締役会におけるジェンダーダイバーシティに対しネガティブな反応を示していることを報告している。














「多様で包括的なチームほどよい意思決定ができ、動きが速く、業績もよくなるという強固なエビデンスがある。社会やビジネスはゆっくりではあるが安定した進歩を見せており、障壁を壊しつつ、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンによって生まれる豊かな価値を包含しつつある。しかし、この重要なリサーチは一方で我々の道のりがまだ長いことを示唆してもいる」とINFORMS 2020の会長であるピナー・ケスキノカク(Pinar Keskinocak)は述べる。



Authors Isabelle Solal and Kaisa Snellman released a new study for INFORMS journal Organization Science revealing shareholders react negatively to board gender diversity.


The new study “Women Don’t Mean Business? Gender Penalty in Board Composition,” is based on 14 years of U.S public sector analysis and shows a 2.3% market value lose when companies appoint a new female on its board.


“Firms that increase board diversity suffer a decrease in market value and the effect is amplified for firms that have received higher ratings for their diversity practices across the organization,” said Solal.


Shareholders perceive a new female appointment as a desire to improve diversity and not as a business strategy decision,  despite evidences showing higher diversity increases decision making, innovation, profit etc.


“If investors believe that female board members have been appointed to satisfy a preference for diversity, then by increasing board diversity, a firm unintentionally signals a weaker commitment to shareholder value than a firm with a non-diverse board,” said Snellman.


The researchers recommend reassuring investors that the decisions are made based on skills and not for the sole purpose of increasing diversity.


Gender stereotypes have declined recently with the increasing of gender diversity correlated with business improvements, the perception of female being appointed  only for diversity purposes performed by shareholders is also expected to decline over time, reacted the authors.


“There is strong evidence that diverse and inclusive teams make better decisions, faster, leading to improved outcomes. Society and businesses are making slow but steady progress in breaking down barriers and embracing the rich value that comes with greater diversity and inclusion, but this important research is another reminder that we still have a long way to go,” said Pinar Keskinocak, INFORMS 2020 president.


To access the full study, please click here.