「このミッションは、政府を支援するため計画方法を改善しようとしている我々を導いてくれるもので、イラク政府は移民や住むところのない障害者も含むイラク人のニーズを伝えている」と、ミッションチーフであるゲラルド・ウェイト(Gerard Waite)は述べる。
The International Organization for Migration (IOM), an UN migration agency, launched a two year Iraq mission to improve disability inclusion.
“It will guide us as we improve our programming approach to support the Government in addressing the needs of Iraqis, including migrants and internally displaced persons with disabilities, ”said Gerard Waite, Chief of Mission.
the presence of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) for 3 year (2014-2017) resulted in an increase of act of violence as well as an economic crisis. It is well known that minorities are the first affected during such periods, including persons with disabilities.Note, during conflicts, the number of disabled people is also increasing.The 2 year IOM mission is aimed to increase awareness of the needs of person with disabilities through new policies and projects .
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