「これは我々が今実際に行っている大きな巻き返しだ。状況は長い間ずっと我々に警鐘を鳴らし続けてきた」とNPO組織である“La gouvernance au féminin”の初代会長キャロライン・コッシ(Caroline Codsi)は述べる。
「多くの企業がダイバーシティの欠如は不公平で道義に反するだけでなく、大きな機会損失であることに気付いている。ダイバーシティに富むと全体のパフォーマンスが向上するからだ」とレポートの共同著者であるウェンディ・クキア(Wendy Cukier)は述べる。
A study based on the analysis of over 2,500 business leaders in the Montreal area showed a marked improvement in managerial positions for gender and racial minorities.
Although these two groups are still underrepresented compared to their proportion in the population, the study reveals an 8.1% increase for gender representations and 12.5% for racial minorities representations compared to 2016.
“This is a huge catch-up that we are doing, because the situation has been alarming for a long time,” said Caroline Codsi, founding president of “La gouvernance au féminin”, a nonprofit organization supporting women’s leadership.
The most represented sector in terms of gender diversity is the government appointments sector, which currently account for almost 55% of executive positions held by women.
“It shows how much the Trudeau government has made a sustained effort to identify and recruit women. Here we often get calls from the Prime Minister’s office to tell us they are looking for a woman for a board of directors. ” said Codsi.
Overall, women’s representation account for 40.7% of the managerial positions, the private sector been the least diversified with 24.9% of women’s representation.
However, it is still a significant increase compared to 2012 where women were holding only 15% of positions.
Concerning the racial representations, the same observation appears.
Although compared to the population (22.6%) the managerial representation is still low (5.3%), the number of new executive positions attributed to racial minorities continues to increase.
“Companies are becoming increasingly aware that the lack of diversity is not only unjust and unethical, but also that it is a huge opportunity loss, as greater diversity increases overall performance, “said report’s co-author Wendy Cukier.