テック起業家のデービッド・ヘインメール・ハンソン(David Heinmeier Hansson)が、お互いの共有口座があって自分より高いクレジットスコアがあるにもかかわらず、配偶者である妻のアップルカード限度額が自分の20分の1しかない、アップルカードは女性差別をしているという趣旨のツイッターを投稿、ツイートが拡散している。
アップルの共同創始者であるスティーブ・ウォズニアック(Steve Wozniak)ら有名人も含む多数のユーザーが、似たような問題に気づいている。
Complaints about Apple card discriminating women went viral on twitter after the message of a tech entrepreneur David Heinmeier Hansson stating his wife’s Apple card’s credit limit was 20 times lower than him despite having a shared bank account and her having a higher credit score.
Many other users noticed similar problems, including Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne.
Credit card algorithms are known to be obscure so it is difficult to determine if discrimination there is or not. However, Goldman Sachs, the Apple card issuer said, “With Apple Card, your account is individual to you. As with any other individual credit card, your application is evaluated independently. We look at an individual’s income and an individual’s creditworthiness, which includes factors like personal credit scores, how much debt you have, and how that debt has been managed. In all cases, we have not and will not make decisions based on factors like gender.”
The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) has nonetheless started an investigation to determine if discrimination based on gender occurred.
“Any algorithm that intentionally or not results in discriminatory treatment of women or any other protected class violates New York law,” said the DFS.
This is not the first time AI are suspected to discriminate against a part of the population.