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人材派遣会社のHire VueがAI技術システムを使ってどの候補者がその仕事に合うか決定している。







プリンストン大学のコンピューターサイエンス学部の教授であるアーヴィンド・ナラヤナン(Arvind Narayanan)は、このアプリケーションはバイアスを固定化・加速化させるとしている。




IBMのアクセシビリティーリサーチャーであるシャリ・トゥレイン(Shari Trewin)はAIが障害者を差別している事実を指摘している。










しかし、批判があっても彼らはジェンダー、人種、年齢、障害に関しての平等を促しているとHire Vueは述べる。


そうは言っても、顔の表情はHire Vueチーフ業界組織心理学者のネイザン・モンドラゴンによると雇用適正スコアの29%を表している。

HireVue, a recruiting company is using an AI technology system to determine which candidate is the most suitable for the job.


Based on the candidate’s body and facial movements, voice tone or cadence as well as choice of words, to determine an employability score for the candidate.
The AI system has already analyzed more than a million candidates and is used by more than 100 employers including Unilever or Hilton.


However, AI specialists are pointing out the limits of such technology.


Arvind Narayanan, a computer science professor at Princeton said the application is a bias perpetuation engine. “Any signal found in body language/speech patterns *must be* the result of prejudice,” said Narayanan.

Researchers show body language is extremely difficult to analyze and personality traits are even more difficult if not impossible to analyze.


Shari Trewin, an Accessibility Researcher at IBM points out the fact that  AI is discriminating for disabled people.


“The way that AI judges people is with who it thinks they’re similar to—even when it may never have seen anybody similar to them—is a fundamental limitation in terms of fair treatment for people with disabilities,” she said.


Currently, 13% of the American population identify themselves as a person with disability. Among them, more than half a million have been diagnosed with a facial abnormality, several million have autism spectrum disorders, resulting in potential facial or vocal expressions differing from the norm.
It is very difficult for an AI to include such a wild range of profiles in its database, creating a miss-interpretation of people with disability performances.


Some research also highlights the AI limits in terms of disability interpretation.

For example,  2016 Google research shows some AI always consider disability words as negative. 

Alternatively,  2019 Microsoft research revealing an AI voice recognition system may actively discriminate people with disabilities such as deaf people.


Nevertheless, despite the critics HireVue said they promote equality regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, and disability.


However, facial expression represents 29% of the employability score according to Nathan Mondragon, HireVue chief industrial-organizational psychologist.