Starting January 1 2020, all French companies will have to report the number of disabled employees in their company.
Currently, the employment rate for disabled people in France reaches 3.8% in the private sector and 5.6% in the public sector, despite a regulation requiring a minimum of 6% of disability employment.
Presently, all companies with 20 employees or more have to employ a minimum of 6% of disabled employees and report their disability data annually. From January, companies employing less than 20 employees will also have to report their data but will not be forced to employ disabled persons.
This new regulation will help to evaluate the real number of disabled employees in France. Afterwards, the 6% regulation will be revised in 2023 according to the reality of the situation.
It will also be a way for small businesses employing people with disabilities to gain value despite the absence of employment obligations concerning them.
Changes will also occur in the calculation of employees by company.
Currently, if the same company has 4 subsidiaries employing 10 persons each, none of the subsidiaries were subject to the obligation of employment. From January 1, the system will take into account all employees at all subsidiaries in its calculation.
Other changes will also occur in the compensatory system. Until now, companies under the requirement quotas were able to pay a contribution to avoid bigger financial penalties and thus for an unlimited period. Starting January 1, companies will only be able to make an agreement over 3 years, which is renewable once.
Finally, in order to facilitate reemployment for disabled people over 50 years old, a disabled employee aged over 50 will be valued at 1.5 times a normal employee in the calculation system.