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Heidrick & Strugglesのレポート、APACのダイバーシティ&インクルージョンを取り扱う


管理職業務に特化した国際的な企業であるHeidrick & StrugglesがAPACのダイバーシティ&インクルージョンに関する新しいレポートを発表した。

















A new report by Heidrick & Struggles, an International company specialized in chief executive and senior managers assignments, released a new APAC diversity and inclusion report.


The report, based on 141 Asian companies, reveals that when companies talk about D&I strategy, they mainly focus on 3 areas, women in leadership positions, ethnicity and LGBT.


According to the report, all companies surveyed had D&I programs.

89% of the programs focus on Women in leadership, 56% on ethnicity diversity and 42% of sexual orientation diversity. Disability been left over with only 4% of the initiatives focusing on it.  


The APAC region represents 60% of the world population, and is home of some of the most gender equal countries such as Australia, New-Zealand or the Philippines, as well as some far behind average such as India, Japan or South-Korea.


However, more and more D&I focused initiatives are emerging such as the “Womenomics” in Japan, or the increasing of support shown to the Hong-Kong LGBT+ inclusion index among APAC based companies.


While Australia is the most advanced Asian country in terms of gender equality, with almost 30% of female directors in January 2019, Singapore is showing the fastest progress to achieve gender equity in the APAC region.


On the other hand, India’s women participation in the workforce has a low representation of 27% in 2018, down from 35% in 1990. However, some ongoing initiatives show some positives trends such as improving education, healthcare and maternity benefits.


Globally, 80% of the APAC organizations relate to their D&I programs as important or very important, and 87% of the company executives believe their D&I initiatives had an impact on their own career.


Full report available here.