CroweによるThe Art of Smart、職場におけるダイバーシティの利益に焦点を当てる。
「ダイバーシティに関する議論がジェンダー、人種、宗教、性的指向、障害などはっきりした違いに焦点を当てがちだが、これらの違いは資産でもある。特に、今日のようなグローバルな世界においては尚更だ」とCroweの管理局長であるヘーシェル・フライアーソン(Herschel Frierson)は述べる。
A new report called “The Art of Smart” by Crowe highlights the benefits of workplace diversity.
Crowe in the 8th largest accounting network in the world reuniting over 220 firms employing more than 36.500 employees in 130 countries.
The report was based on more than 300 companies distributed in manufacturing, health care and real estate sectors, examined company’s decision-making through growth, diversity, boldness and innovation.
The report reveals companies with a higher diversity score had a larger revenue per employee growth than companies with a lower score. On average, over a 5 year period, highly diverse companies reported an increase of 3680% revenue per employee compared to 450% for less diverse companies.
“Though discussions about diversity tend to focus on the obvious differences such as gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and more, those differences are assets — and never more so than in today’s globalized world,” said Herschel Frierson, managing director at Crowe.
The report also reveals that there are more female leaders in young and audacious companies, not afraid to take risk in order to become more efficient, as well as fast growing companies such as biotech industries.