PwCとDiversity Project Groupによる新しいレポートは投資部門におけるダイバーシティとインクルージョンの進化について分析している。昨年、男女賃金格差が広がった理由を知るためだ。
“Time to get serious: If diversity is a business imperative, treat it like one”と呼ばれるレポートは投資部門において格差が0.8%上昇し31%になっていることを示している。
「二つ目は、我々はいまだに多くのメインストリームのファンドマネージャーを納得させるのに四苦八苦していることで、これはポリコレというよりビジネス問題だということを彼らに理解してもらうことが難しいのだ。はっきりさせようと思うのだが、ダイバーシティというのはビジネスを行う上で果たされるべき喫緊の課題である。我々はそのように扱おうとしている」と、ダイバーシティプロジェクトのリーダーで、法における個人投資と一般投資マネジメントのトップでもあるデイム・ヘレナ・モリッセイ(Dame Helena Morrissey)は述べる。
A new report by PwC and Diversity Project Group, analyzed the evolution of diversity and inclusion in the investment sector to found out the gender pay gap have increased over the last year.
The report called “Time to get serious: If diversity is a business imperative, treat it like one” reveals an increasing of 0.8%, bringing the gender pay gap to 31% in the investment sector.
Investment sector in now the second worst sector in term of gender pay gap, closely following the banking sector reporting a 32% gap.
However, investment sector is the only sector out of the 5 worst to report an increasing.
According to the report, many professionals show skepticism regarding the evidences of diversity benefits such as boosting performances, innovations or profits.
“Business leaders may be convinced of the need to act, but too many investment professionals perceive the issue to be more about political correctness than a driver of investment performance or the long-term success of their firm,” quote from the report.
“In recent years there’s been a step change in the level of commitment at the top and a new sense of urgency around the issue. However, there are two outstanding problems. The first is the proverbial ‘chicken and egg’; young women are discouraged from even considering a career in fund management when they see our wide gender pay gaps and learn that just 4% of money managed in the UK is run exclusively by women. Secondly, we still have a problem convincing many mainstream fund managers that diversity is a business issue, rather than political correctness. Let’s be clear: diversity is a business imperative. We are throwing down the gauntlet to ensure it’s treated like one,” said Dame Helena Morrissey, Chair of the Diversity Project and Head of Personal Investing at Legal & General Investment Management.