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「ダイバーシティ問題を一夜で解決するような特効薬はない。時間をかけた組織的な関与が必要だ。多様性のあるチームというものは、より革新的な解決に至ることが多く、それゆえ、私は我が社が持つダイバーシティを誇りに思うし、これこそが成功の源だとも思っている」とEtsy CEOのジョシュ・シルバーマン(Josh Silverman)は述べる。





たとえば、2000年にトリシア・プリケット(Tricia Pricket)とネハ・ガダ・ジェイン(Neha Gada-Jain)によって行われた研究では、採用過程において担当者が最初の10秒で求職者に関する印象をまとめ、あとの面接時間はその印象を確かにすることに使っていると述べている。この研究のように、多くのリサーチが採用過程において担当者が抱える無意識のバイアスに焦点を当てている。





「我々は彼らがどんなライフステージにいようともサポートする。それは、人が自分はここに属していると思い、また自分の考えや声が聞いてもらえていると感じられるインクルーシブな文化を作ることでもある」とEtsyのストラテジー&サービス部門・副部長であるライナ・モスコウィッツ(Raina Moskowitz)は述べる。

Started in 2005, Etsy an e-commerce startup used diversity and inclusion as a pillar to its development.

Competing in one of the lowest diversified business sectors, Etsy strategy seems to have paid off.


Elected one of the fastest growing companies in 2019 by the magazine Fortune, Etsy went in 14 years from 3 employees in a small apartment to a 1000 employees with over $600 million in turnover for the 2018 fiscal year. 

Etsy has , 55.8% of overall female employees, over 50% of its executive team are women as well as half of its board of directors.

Etsy also has  almost 40% of female representation in the Tech sector, while the national average is at 26%.


“There is no silver bullets to solve diversity overnight. It requires sustained commitment overtime. Diverse teams come to more innovative solutions. So I am incredibly  proud of the diversity that we have which I’m sure it is a fundamental component of our success,” said Josh Silverman, Etsy CEO.


In 2017, the company announced a new diversity goal aiming  to increase representation of underrepresented groups and ensure equity in the company’s workforce.


In 2018, to reduce biases during the hiring process the company implemented a hiring guide to help recruiters to ask questions directly related to the job position.


Many research highlights unconscious biases recruiters have during the recruitment process, such as the 2000 study by Tricia Pricket and Neha Gada-Jain stating recruiters form an opinion of someone in the first 10 seconds and then spend the rest of the interview looking to confirm their suspicions. 
Pre-selecting questions and expected answers increase the chances of selecting a candidate solely based on his abilities.


To have access to the full Etsy’s diversity report please click here


“We support people no matter where they are in their life stage. It’s about creating an inclusive culture where people feel that they belong and that their ideas and voice will be heard,” said Raina Moskowitz, Senior VP of people, Strategy and Services at Etsy.