イギリスでは先月、MACA(Men As Change Agent)という名の新しい取り組みが始まった。ビジネスリーダーや大学教授、政治家などといった人たちがグループとして集まっている。
A new initiative under the name MACA (Men As Change Agent) launched last month in the UK which reunites a group of business experts ranging from senior business leaders to university professors as well as politicians.
To see the full list of the experts please click here.
The MACA initiative aims to encourage business leaders to act as Change Agents to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and achieve greater equality and opportunity at the top level of companies .
For this, the MACA will among others:
“Companies that exclude smart, hard-working women because of their gender are missing out on a huge amount of talent. The Men As Change Agents Board is led by heads of business, and they will be using their expertise and influence to work with organizations,” said Minister for Women and Equalities, Liz Truss.