「女性は男性より非難や叱責に対して敏感だ。これは一貫したジェンダーの役割によるところが大きい。社会は女性が家の中で活躍することをのぞみ、家の世話をすればよく、その一方で、男性に対しては専門的な領域で活躍する正当性を与えている」とDARESのサブディレクターであるコリン・プロスト(Corinne Prost)は述べる。
A new study conducted by the French organization DARES highlights the difficulties for women to combine their professional life and personal life.
According to the results of the report, women working full-time are 20% more likely to suffer blame from their relatives than men are.
This phenomenon is especially high for women workers or employees who, unlike managers, have less opportunity to hire staff to help them with their household tasks.
It is even higher for working mothers living with children under 18 years old.
This effect is more accentuated in France compared to other European countries.
This is partially explained by the tradition of extended hours in France, although in many countries the employment rate of women is higher than in France, the working hours for full timers are shorter.
In France, 36% of women full time workers spend between 7 and 12 hours per week on household tasks, compared with 22% for men, and 19% of women spend more than 12 hours per week, compared with 6% of men.
This pressure has an impact on their mental health, 26% of women have a depressive syndrome, compared to 11% of men.
“Women are more sensitive to reproaches than men. This is explained by the persistence of gendered social roles. Society expects more women to succeed in their family life, to take care of their home, while giving greater legitimacy to men to invest mainly in the professional sphere, “said Corinne Prost, Vice-Director of DARES.
To access the full report please click here.