Cambiando Modelos と Kadima hopeという二つのグループが共同でこのファッションショーを開いた。彼らは障害者のインクルージョンを訴えているグループだ。
イザベラ・スプリングマウル(Isabella Springmuhl)は世界的にも認められているグアテマラのデザイナーで、彼女がメキシコ人デザイナーのリディア・ラヴィン(Lydia Lavin)やジュエリーデザイナーのダニエル・エピノザ(Daniel Espinosa)と共に洋服をデザインした。
Mexico hosted its first disability fashion show. Among the 19 models presented during the show, 11 live with a disability.
Two groups advocating for more inclusion toward the disabled community hosted the show, Cambiando Modelos and Kadima hope.
Isabella Springmuhl, an internationally recognized Guatemalan designer, the Mexican designer Lydia Lavin and the jewelry designer Daniel Espinosa designs the outfits.
Isabella Springmuhl is considered as the first fashion designer to have Down syndrome. Born in 1997, she became internationally recognized after the 2016 London Fashion Week where she presented her collection to the public. Later in the same year, the BBC 100 women list selected her. The list highlight women around the world for their inspiration and influence on society.
A small video relating to the event is available here.