ダイバーシティをビジネス視点で考える PINGUINC. > NEWS > 広告内のダイバーシティを向上させることは、企業にとってよいことである





「我々は、広告内におけるダイバーシティが、実際にビジネスにとってよいことを証明するためにこれに着手した」とHeatの戦略ディレクターであるマギー・グロス(Maggie Gross)氏は述べる。




大学教授であるウィリアム・オバール(William O’Barr)とケビン・トーマス(Kevin Thomas)の協力を得て、Heatは主な登場人物たちの間でダイバーシティを表すため、その要点が何かを確定した。たとえば、話す役割、背景となる役割、力となるものの代表、ステレオタイプな役割などがそれに当たる。








「それは、ただ箱の中身をチェックして、広告に女性あるいは有色人種がいるように配置するというようなことではない。多様な人々がいるということは、人間関係が複雑かつ、相手は会話をする人間だと認識することだ。これはもはやまぎれもない事実であり、もしあなたがそうすべきなのにできないのだとしたら議論の余地はない」とマギー・グロス氏(Maggie Gross)は言う。

A new report by Heat, a digital agency collaborating with Deloitte, revealed a new study highlighting the impact of diversity in advertisements and the stock market.


“We embarked on this to try to prove that diversity in advertising is actually good for business,” said Maggie Gross, the head of strategy at Heat.


The study is based on the analysis of over 17.000 data from 50 of the top 200 media spenders brands divided into 8 industries.


With the help of University  professors Dr. William O’Barr and Dr. Kevin Thomas they identified key points to represent diversity in primary roles, such as speaking roles or background roles, representation of power, stereotypical roles etc.


As results, 94% of the studied brands had a least one woman in a primary role. However, half of these roles were still falling in the stereotypical categories, such as devoted wife, boy-focused girl, empathetic mother etc.

In the meantime, 92% of the brands featured at least one person of color in their primary role. However, only 15% of them were from different backgrounds.

Regarding the other minorities, they are still underrepresented, both LGBT and disabled people  represent less than 1% of the roles.


The study then checked the correlation between diversity in ads and the stock market and found out brands with a high diversity score had on  average a 44% stock increase over the past 2 years, as well as being  83% more likely to boost their Brand index scores compared to brands scoring low in diversity.


“It’s less about checking a box and making sure you have a woman or a person of color in your ad. It’s about recognizing that diverse people are complex, relatable human beings. It’s no longer a question of if you should do this but if you can afford not to,” said Maggie Gross.