シドニー市は「Best Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Program」と女性にとって選択肢となる経営者という取り組みにおいて、2019年オーストラリアHR賞を受賞した。
「この賞のおかげでダイバーシティとインクルージョンに対する我々の長期にわたる努力と給与格差に対処してきた結果が認知されるようになるだろう。多様な労働環境を作り出すことは、ただ単に正しいことだというだけではなく、生産性の向上に寄与し、イノベーションを促進、経済成長をサポートする」と、シドニー市長であるクローバー・ムーア(Clover Moore)氏は述べる。
「他にもやることがあるのはわかっている。というのも男性と女性で同じ役割分担だったとしても、男性の方が1.7%給与が高い。これは国内平均の14%から見ればかなり低い数字ではあるが、それでも我々は引き続きこの格差がなくなるように動いていきたい」と、人・パフォーマンス・テクノロジー部門における市のディレクターであるスーザン・ペティファー(Susan Pettifer)は述べる。
The city of Sydney has been awarded “Best Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Program” as well as an employer of choice for women, during the 2019 edition of Australian HR awards.
The city, as an employer, has been recognized for its engagement to build an inclusive and fair work environment for women, Aboriginals, LGBT, disabled people and refugees.
“This award recognizes our long term commitment to diversity and inclusion as well as our recent achievements in addressing the city’s gender pay gap. Creating a diverse workforce is not just the right thing to do, it helps improve productivity, encourages innovation and supports economic growth,” said Clover Moore, the Mayor of Sydney.
The city’s commitment for inclusion is not new, in 2015, Sydney was the first local government organization to report publicly gender pay gap. Last year, it also began to pay up to 52 weeks of parental leave for both men and women.
Since 2004 the female workforce has grown by 45.5%. In 2019, women represent 40% of the workforce and 49.7% of the managerial positions including leadership in male dominant sectors.
“We know there is more work to do, because when we compare men and women in equivalent roles we have found a gender pay gap of 1.7 percent in favor of men. This is significantly lower than the national average of 14 percent but we are continuing to work on closing this gap,” said Susan Pettifer, the city Director of People, Performance & Technology.
In addition, the city recently created a leadership and engagement unit for indigenous people to support the communities.