「障害のある人たちは、労働者のダイバーシティーと企業文化の点において、ビジネスと業界にユニークな機会を与えてくれる。彼らはどの企業が本当に彼らの目的や夢をサポートしてくれるか知りたいと望んでいる大きな消費者層でもある」と、アメリカ障害者協会所属の弁護士であるテッド・ケネディーJr (Ted Kennedy, Jr)は述べる。
また、Workplace Initiativeという障害者支援団体も、障害者を雇っている企業はそうでない企業よりも離職者が少なく、それゆえリクルートコストも低下、生産性は向上し、消費者意識も高くなると伝えている。
A new report by Accenture and the American Association of People with Disabilities reveals that companies with employees with disabilities outperform their peers without employees with disabilities.
Having employees with disabilities provides a better profitability as well as a better return for shareholders by increasing revenues by 28%, net income by 200% and profit margin by 30%.
To access the full report, please click here.
“People with disabilities present businesses and industries with unique opportunities in labor-force diversity and corporate culture, and they’re a large consumer market eager to know which businesses authentically support their goals and dreams,” said American Association of People with Disabilities’ Attorney, Ted Kennedy, Jr.
In the meantime, Workplace Initiative, an organization aiming to help people with disabilities reported that companies hiring disabled people have a reduced turnover, lower recruitment cost, better productivity and better customer awareness than companies without disabled people.