アイルランドの公的医療を提供するHSE(Health System Executive:ヘルスサービス組織)は、障害者のリハビリトレーニング手当(31.8ユーロ/週)を削減した。
21歳の学生で脳性麻痺を患うコナー・ディロン(Conor Dillon)はこの措置に対して「手当が打ち切られると聞いて焦った。なぜなら僕はそれを外出、ランチ、交通費や交際費に充てようと思っていたから。もしこの手当がなくなったら僕はセンターの外で活動や学習ができなくなる」と述べる。
別の生徒、シアラン・コステロ(Ciaran Costello)は、2年間この手当をもらうことで、エリア内を走るスクールバスがない時は自身の車のガソリン代に充てていた。「もしこの31.8ユーロがなかったらこんなことはできなかったと思う。それは自分の障害が悪くなるだけじゃなく、精神にも悪影響を及ぼしただろう。だからどうか政府はこの31.8ユーロを生徒に支給し続けてほしい。そう多くはない金額だろうから、元に戻してほしい」。
The Irish Health System Executive (HSE) to cut the €31.80 weekly training allowance for disabled people.
The Rehabilitative Training allowance (RT) was originally intended to help 2300 disabled people to further education or employment.
The lack of this financial support is expected to affect around 400 students for the 2019 school year starting in September.
Students who started their studies before 1 September 2019 will continue to benefit from the RT.
Conor Dillon a 21-year-old student with cerebral palsy said in reaction to this cut: “When I heard that this allowance was going to be cut, I was very upset because I would have used it for trips out, lunch and transport costs and also for classes in my community,” “I feel if this allowance is taken away from me, I won’t be able to do as much activities or learning outside the center”.
Ciaran Costello another student who has been receiving the allowance for two years allowing him to cover his expenses for gasoline due to the absence of a school bus in his area said: “If I hadn’t got that €31.80 I wouldn’t have been able to do that, and not only would my disability have got worse, my mental health would have got worse,” “So please, anyone in the government, €31.80 is not a lot to pay for a student to go and get back into society.”
A Rehab study estimates that 80% of beneficiaries of the RT allowance wouldn’t have been able to do their course without it.
The HSE said the removal of the RT would bring in 3.7 million euros over a four-year period to reinvest in day services for disabled people.