ブラジル人のトランスジェンダー女性、ヴァレンティナ・サンパイオ(Valentina Sampaio)は、ヴィクトリアズ・シークレット初のトランスジェンダーモデルに抜擢された。
責任者だったエド・ラゼック(Ed Razek)は「トランスジェンダーのモデルをショーに起用すべきではないか?出すべきじゃないと思うね」と発言、炎上。今回の動きはこれに応える形としてのものになる。
Valentina Sampaio, a Brazilian transgender woman is the first transgender model to enter the Victoria’s Secret team.
This is welcomed news after the last November comments regarding the lack of diversity during Victoria’s Secret’s fashion show.
Ed Razek in charge of the November casting said in response to “Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show?”, “No, no I don’t think we should”.
He later apologized for it and said, “We could absolutely use a transgender model in our parade. Transgender models came to the castings … And like many others, they did not succeed. There has never been a question of gender. I admire and respect their journey to embrace who they really are. “