欧州特許庁は「Women in the Lead program」という永続的な指導プログラムを通してダイバーシティとインクルージョンに取り組んでいる。このプログラムは、欧州特許庁で働く女性に対し、経験豊富なマネージャーの助言と共に、異なる視点の探求機会を与えるものだ。
特許庁はまた、「Together for Gender Diversity」や「Girls Day」といったイベントを通してダイバーシティとインクルージョンに取り組んでおり、科学技術分野で女子学生たちに対しキャリア支援をしている。
The European Patent Office (EPO) is committed to diversity through “Women in the Lead”, a permanent mentoring program giving women in the EPO the opportunity to explore different perspectives with the help of a more experienced manager.
Long committed to diversity and inclusion, the EPO is an employer that guarantees equal opportunities. Since its creation in 1977, the office has not made any distinction between the wages of men and women, and 35 nationalities are represented among its 7,000 employees.
The office was also committed to D&I through several events such as its conference “Together for Gender Diversity” or its “Girls Day” which aims to encourage schoolgirls to consider a career in the field of science and technology.