LinkedIn と LGBT+ 組織である UK Black Prideが実施した調査によると、LGBT労働者の65%が自分の会社はLGBTの人たちのインクルージョンに十分取り組んでいると考えているが、21%は会社はもっと努力すべきだと考えている。
ストーンウォール(Stonewall)のLGBTメンバーシップ会長であるピーター・マーサー(Pete Mercer)は「職場がLGBTに対してインクルーシブになるのは非常に重要なことである。なぜなら、人が成人してから過ごす場のほとんどが職場になるため、サポートのある環境は彼らの日常生活においても大きなインパクトを与える。より多くの企業がLGBTの包括に対しどういう対策を取れるのか、またLGBT従業員たちが職場でサポートされているという実感を得られることが大事だ」と述べる。
According to a new study based on 4000 workers, LGBT workers in the UK earn 16% less than straight workers (£6,703 annually before tax).
In comparison, the gap between men and women is 9.6%.
The survey, made by LinkedIn and LGBT+ organization UK Black Pride, reveals that 65% of the LGBT workers believe the company they are working for is committed enough to the LGBT community inclusion, while 21% think their company should do more.
The survey also highlights the lack of senior role models for the LGBT community. 70% of the respondents said they don’t have a senior referent to look up to.
Pete Mercer, head of memberships at Stonewall, said “It is crucial that workplaces become LGBT+ inclusive, as people spend most of their adult lives at work and having a supportive environment can have a huge impact on their daily lives”. “It’s crucial that more and more employers consider how they can take steps to be LGBT inclusive, and ensure that their LGBT staff feel supported to be themselves in the workplace,”