探鉱開発協会のエグゼクティブディレクターであるリサ・マクドナルド(Lisa McDonald)は「ジェンダーダイバーシティー&インクルージョンを改善することは、やみくもに女性を採用することだという仮説がよくあるが、このガイダンス文書はそれに異議を唱えるものであり、また、小さなアクションがどれだけ大きなインパクトをもたらすか証明するものだ」と述べている。
The Canadian Prospectors & Developers Association announced its new Gender Diversity and Inclusion Guidance in order to help Canada’s mining and prospecting companies to improve their Gender Diversity and Inclusion.
Among the 630,000 Canadians employed by the prospecting and mining sectors, only 17% are women compared to 48% for the total Canadian female workforce.
The new guidance will provide information and tools to develop Gender Diversity and Inclusion (D&I).
The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada Executive director, Lisa McDonald said, “There is often an assumption that improving gender diversity and inclusion is a resource intensive pursuit. This guidance document challenges that assumption and demonstrates how small actions can have a tremendous impact on diversity and inclusion”.