Natixisの子会社であるMirovaは、必要資金である「Mirova Women Leaders Equity」を介してジェンダーダイバーシティーとインクルージョンに投資しようとしている。
ー 少なくとも30%以上の女性からなる取締役員会
ー 最低一人の女性CEOかCFO
ー 女性社員と女性管理職の数の差が最大でも15%まで
Mirova a Natixis subsidiary will invest in Gender Diversity and Inclusion through its new fund “Mirova Women Leaders Equity”.
Following a similar launch by Nordea earlier this year, Mirova’s fund wants to focus on companies committed to Diversity and Inclusion in order to increase women’s representation in top management.
The new Mirova fund is based on three criteria to select 50 listed companies worldwide:
– At least 30% women on the executive committee
– One woman CEO or CFO
– 15% maximum difference between the number of women in the workforce and the number of women managers.
In addition to these quantitative criteria, Mirova applies a qualitative analysis of policies favoring gender diversity in companies, such as paternity leave.
Like all Mirova products, this new fund also respects the criteria of sustainable development.
Mirova aims to invest up to one billion euros over the next five years.
In addition, Mirova has set up a partnership with the UN Women’s Committee. The company commits to donate a portion of the fund’s management costs to the UN Committee to finance actions to improve the status of women in 80 countries.