イスラエルでは、職場の多様性を高めるため、ペレスセンター(Peres Center)で10週間にわたり起業家ワークショップを開催する。このプログラムには40人が参加し、男性と女性だけでなくユダヤ人とアラブ人も同じ割合で集める予定。
Israel, in order to increase diversity in the Israeli workplaces, the Peres Center will hold a 10 weeks entrepreneurship workshop.
This program will bring together 40 participants with an equal share of Jews and Arabs, as well as Men and Women.
The lack of diversity in Israeli tech industry is blatant.
While about 60% of the positions are held by Jews men under 55, only 3,3% are held by Arabs.
Chemi Peres, chairman of the board of directors at the Peres Center said “I believe that the most important resource that Israel has is human beings”, “The human talent in Israel, however, is actually employed by many multinational companies and start-ups. We are running out of human talent. Diversity is the best way to address this and it will also yield the best results”.