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11月のはじめ、#メガネ禁止 のハッシュタグがついた日本のツイッターが拡散した。10月末に明らかになった調査内容の件が原因だ。その調査内容とは、職場でメガネをかけるのは冷たい印象を与えるから、コンタクトレンズに変えてくれという要求を企業側からされた女性が何人かいたというものだ。










その後、カンヌ映画祭の代表者であるシェリー・フレモー(Thierry Fremaux)は「階段に関しては規則は変わってなかった。禁煙、正装、というだけで、ヒールに関する言及はなかった」とツイートしている。







In the beginning of November, the Japanese Twitter hashtag #メガネ禁止 (#Glasses prohibition) went viral after the release in the end of October of a survey revealing some Japanese women were asked to wear contact lenses instead of glasses at work for aesthetic reasons, arguing wearing glasses provides a cold impression.


This is not the first time women face discrimination in the workplace due to their appearances.


Earlier this year, the Japanese hashtag #KuToo also went viral to protest against the mandatory heels for women in Japanese companies. The #KuToo movement was also referring to the #MeToo movement to condemn sexual harassment, a movement that is struggling to emerge in Japan where the patriarchal culture persists.


Yet, Japan is not the only country discriminating women vis-à-vis their appearance.


In 2015, in France during the Cannes festival, a woman was rejected from a film premiere for wearing flat shoes.


Later on Thierry Fremaux, General Delegate of the Cannes Film Festival tweeted: “For the stairs, the regulations have not changed: ‘No smoking, formal wear’. There is no mention of heels.”


However, 3 years later in 2018, Kristen Stewart, a Hollywood actress, removed her shoes while walking the red carpet as a sign of protest.


The New York Times also reported earlier this year that, Virgin Atlantic female flight attendants had to wear makeup, including red lipstick, blush and mascara until March 2019, when the rule became optional. The company also rethink its uniform policy, now providing pants to female attendants as part of the basic uniform, while women had to request it before that.


Again, reported by the New York Times, in 2016 a temporary employee at PwC was sent back home for not wearing heels. Portico, the temporary staff provider company at the origin of making the heels mandatory as well as makeup such as lipstick or mascara told the New York Times it changed its rules after that incident at PwC.