「体重の多い人に対する否定的な思い込みは非常に一般的だ。それらのステレオタイプは、彼らが怠惰である、または活気がなく規律を欠いている、あるいは太っているから他の人よりも知能が低い、などがそれに当たる。そして、これらのステレオタイプと彼らへの否定的な態度は、他の形でも不当な扱いや差別として現れてくる」と、コネチカット大学の教授であるレベッカ・ピュール(Rebecca Puhl)は述べる。
Harvard released a new study regarding implicit and explicit discrimination in American society.
Based on 4.4 million test results of explicit and implicit attitudes from respondents over 13 years old during a 9-year period from 2007 to 2016, the study reveals an increase in implicit weight discrimination.
While all the other discrimination have decreased unconsciously and consciously, only weight discrimination is unconsciously increasing.
Note that some discrimination in age or disability have decreased but some areas have shown signs of increase.
However, the study also reveals a large disparity between explicit and implicit biases decreasing; meaning respondents’ perception and reality are different.
For example, explicit discrimination toward LGBT decreased by 48.6% over the 9 years period, while implicit only decreased by 33.5%.
Same goes for racial discrimination, 36.7% compared to 16.8%.
Regarding weight discrimination, explicit biases decreased by 14.8% while in reality implicit biases increased by 4.7%.
According to Mary Himmelstein, assistant professor at Kent State University, the more contact you have with someone different from you, the less discrimination you have toward that person/group of persons. However, this don’t seems to apply regarding weight discrimination.
As stated by Rebecca Puhl, professor at the University of Connecticut, “Negative stereotypes towards people who have high body weight are very common. Those stereotypes are that they are lazy, or they lack of will power or discipline, or even that they are less intelligent than others because of their body weight. And those stereotypes and negative attitudes become translated into other forms of unfair treatments and discrimination.”
Currently, only Michigan has specific laws regarding weight discrimination. Some cities located in other states such as San Francisco (CA), Madison (WI) or Washington (DC) have regulations addressing weight discrimination, but no federal laws to protect high weight people from discrimination.
“Weight discrimination tends to be something than women experience more than men. Particularly at lower levels of over-weight compared to men,” said Puhl.
To access the full report, please click here.