ダイバーシティをビジネス視点で考える PINGUINC. > NEWS > 新しいレポート、テック業界における年齢主義が29歳から始まることを示す



















「年齢は人々が自分に合った職業を探すとき、あるいは雇用主が適性のある人を見つけるときの障壁になってはいけない。この数字はテック業界に年齢差別が蔓延していることがわかるショッキングなもので、労働者と雇用主を時代遅れなものの見方という点でダメージを与えている。他の差別に比べ、年齢による差別が一番多いと言われている。そしてこのことが年輩労働者に打撃を与えており、50歳以上の3分の1が年齢を理由に仕事を断られている」と、Centre for Ageing Betterのシニアプログラムマネージャーであるパトリック・トムソン(Patrick Thomson)は述べる。

A new report by CWjobs a tech recruiter company reveals that ageism discrimination in Tech industry is more prominent than in other sectors.


Tech industry stereotypical image is dominated by the young white male symbol such as Mark Zuckerberg.


The CWjobs report based on a 2000 UK workers survey shows 41% of IT/Tech workers experienced ageism discrimination compared to 27% for all other sectors combined. 


On average IT/Tech sector’s ageism discrimination start at age 29 compared to 41 for all other sectors combined. 

Second after IT/Tech is the Finance sector where ageism discrimination start at 36 years old. 


However, IT/Tech sector’s employees reported starting feeling old for their industry at the age of 37, compared to 47 for all other sectors combined. 


Among the respondents who experience  discrimination recurring sentences stand out such as “Old people don’t understand Tech”, “Why don’t you retire”, or “Grandma/Grandpa” for the most common. 

Men are more likely t to hear such complains than women, according to the report.


Additionally the report revealed the IT/Tech sector is the highest sector for stress related to ageism, with 32% of the respondents reporting a fear  to lose their job due to their age, compared to 19% for all other sectors combined. 


Furthermore, 37% responded feeling their company value youngness over ability compared to 22% for all other sectors combined.


‘‘Age shouldn’t be a barrier to people finding the right job, or employers finding the right candidate. These new figures show the shocking prevalence of ageism in the tech industry, where both workers and employers are being damaged by these outdated attitudes. Sadly, we know that these prejudices are all too common across our society. More people say they experience ageism than any other form of discrimination. And this hits older workers hard, with a third of over-50s believing that they have been turned down for a job because of their age,” said Patrick Thomson, Senior Program Manager at Centre for Ageing Better.