インドネシアの市政監督官であるニニク・ラハユ(Ninik Rahayu)が明らかにした調査では、複数の機関で少数派に対し差別が見られるとのこと。
「インドネシアは行政事務にとって最適な人を採用すべきで、恣意的かつ憎悪に満ちた制限を設けるべきではない。これはインドネシアの憲法に反するし、国際的な人権法にも反する」と、アムネスティインターナショナルインドネシアのディレクターであるウスマン・ハミド(Usman Hamid)が差別撤廃を求めた時に述べた。
A new report highlights discrimination perpetrated by Indonesian Ministries.
Ninik Rahayu, an Indonesian public advocate revealed an investigation found guilty of discrimination toward minorities at several Indonesian institutions.
“The Defense Ministry prohibits pregnant women from applying for a job, while the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) and the trade ministry ban transgender people. The AGO even made a hurtful statement that said ‘we only accept normal people’,” said Ninik.
After being contacted by Ninik, the trade ministry removed its discrimination forms, but the other institutions did not respond to her request.
The AGO’s website even specifies job applicants must not be color blind, physically or mentally disabled, have sexual orientation disorders or belong to the LGBT community.
“Indonesia should be trying to recruit the best and brightest to its civil service, not applying arbitrary and hateful restrictions. This is against both Indonesia’s constitution and its obligations under international human rights law,” said Usman Hamid, executive director of Amnesty International Indonesia when calling for the removal of these discriminations.