Uberが、フランスのNGO「SOS Homophobie」と共同で、Uberのアプリケーション内にて「差別を受けた」と報告できる機能を開発した。
SOS Homophobieのジェレミーファレダム氏は、「あらゆる差別に関して、特定の機能を持たせるというUberからのアイデアのアプローチを直ちに支持する」と述べた。
ber Franceのコミュニケーションディレクター、Rym Saker氏によると、差別ボタンが押された場合、Uberチームは両方の当事者と連絡を取り、ドライバー側とユーザー側からのインシデントや証言を収集し、差別が存在したかの確認を取り、場合によっては、ユーザーのUberアカウントへのアクセスを一時停止することや、ドライバーの契約を停止することもある。
Uber, in collaboration with the French NGO “SOS Homophobie” is adding an anti-discrimination option on its application.
“It was Uber who approached us and we immediately supported the idea of having a specific functionality related to any kind of discrimination”, said Jérémy Faledam, co-president of SOS Homophobie.
The application allows a customer or a driver to report during a race if he has been the victim of insults or physical violence due to his sexual orientation, gender identity, origin, religion or disability.
This new feature has been launched throughout the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) since November 14.
“In case of activation of the discrimination button, the Uber teams get in touch with both parties. The testimonials are collected, we look if other incidents were reported on the user’s side as the driver’s side, because discrimination exists from both sides. Afterward, we may decide to suspend access to a user’s Uber account, or stop working with a driver, “said Rym Saker, director of communication at Uber France.
In parallel, Uber developed explanatory videos to raise the awareness of both drivers and users. Drivers will have access to videos on their dedicated website page. Users will be informed of these issues with ‘pop-up’ messages through the application or via social Medias.