「Paris Games Week」という一週間にわたるゲームイベントが10月にパリで開催された。
「オンラインゲームの最中に、私が同性愛嫌悪の発言に触れないことはない。たった一言の発言が影響を与えていると言ってるんじゃなく、こういう類の発言は1時間に150回も読まれたり聞かれたりしてることを言いたいんだ。これは排除の感覚をもたらすし、若者の自殺に結びつくことだってある」とNext Gayemer協会の共同創立者で、ゲイとLGBTゲーマーたちのフランス人コミュニティーに属するアレックス・ドブロ(Alex Dobro)は述べる。
「我々は家族の繋がり、人種差別、同性愛、バイセクシャルについて話し合っている。プレイヤーたちに極端にマッチョなキャラクターや競争心に頼らないようなゲームプレイを提供しようと思う」と、フランスのビデオメーカー企業であるDONTNODエンターテイメントのストーリーデザイナー、マチャ・ロベス(Macha Lopez)は述べる。
ロベスは「Life is Strange 2」というゲームの製作に携わったが、このゲームではプレイヤーは16歳のメキシコ人男子の人生に従うことになっている。16歳というのは自分のセクシャリティーに関していろいろ疑問を持つ年齢だ。ストーリーが展開していく過程で、プレイヤーたちはこの主人公が男と女、どちらと関係を持つか選ぶことができる。
Star CraftやWarcraftで有名なアメリカ企業のBlizzaedもまた、Overwatchというゲームの中でマイノリティキャラクターを登場させている。
「企業は全ての人が自分を表現できるようなフレームワークを、ジェンダー、年齢、出生に関わらず設計しなければならない。そのために我々にはロールモデルが必要だ。アルゴリズムは男性によって描かれないようにしなければならない」と、ローレンス・ラフォン(Laurence Lafont)、マイクロソフトフランス・ダイバーシティの責任者であるチーフオペレーティングオフィサーは述べる。
Last October, the ‘’Paris Games Week’’ was held in Paris, a week-long event about video games.
Homophobia or sexism is common in online video games’ chat.
“Find me a single player who did not face homophobic remarks during an online game. I’m not saying that a single “dirty Fag” is going to be impacting, I’m just saying that this kind of talk can be read and heard up to 150 times an hour, which creates a sense of exclusion and sometimes leads young players to suicide,” said Alex Dobro, co-founder of the Next Gaymer association, a French community for gay and LGBT gamers.
In an effort to combat discrimination in video games, designers and players gathered on October 30 to talk about improvements to promote inclusion.
“We talk about family ties, racism, homosexuality, bisexuality. We try to offer our players gameplay that does not rely only on extreme manly characters and competitiveness,” said Macha Lopez, narrative designer at DONTNOD Entertainment, a French video maker company.
Lopez worked on the video game “Life is Strange 2”, in this game players follow the life of a 16 years old Mexican boy, an age where you have a lot of questions about your sexuality. During the story-line, players will be able to choose if their hero will have relations with either a woman or a man.
“In the video game, I feel we have a heavier responsibility than in other media because we talk to a very young audience, “said Lopez.
Blizzard, an American company famous for its games such as StarCraft or Warcraft also introduced characters issued from minorities in its Overwatch game.
In the game, players can choose, among others, Symmetra an autistic heroine, Tracer a lesbian heroine or Soldier 76 a gay hero.
Players’ mentalities are starting to change, a few years ago, women in video games were almost invisible, but more and more women are getting into e-sports, such as the Chinese player Xiaomeng “VKLiooon” Li recently was crowned world champion of Hearthstone, an online card game played by millions of players. Now the gamer community has accepted the idea that women can play video games too, it is time to accept LGBT gamers too. Alex Dobro said he hopes to see a champion coming out to end the taboo that paralyzes the LGBT + community.
However, inclusion in video games also passes by the recruitment of diverse profiles in game development and design.
“Companies must design frameworks to allow everyone to express themselves, regardless of their gender, age or origins. For that, we need role models. We need to make sure that our algorithms are not designed by men, that our data are more open, and that our products are designed by people who are more representative of our society as a whole,” said Laurence Lafont, Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft France, in charge of diversity.